Car seat recycling


SeatSmart car seat recycling

Te Aro Zero Waste is a central Wellington drop-off point for the SeatSmart Child Seat Recycling programme.

The SeatSmart Car Seat Recycling programme is a national initiative to divert expired car seats from landfill. Drop your expired car seat off to us to be recycled. Please note that there is a $35 fee per car seat. The fee allows the programme to be sustainable and self-funding while still achieving the key aims of diverting waste from landfill, recovering resources, and raising awareness of expiry dates on car seats to improve child safety.

Why is this important?

Approximately 100,000 car seats expire in NZ every year so the primary aim is to prevent valuable resources from going to landfill. The secondary aim is to improve awareness of car seat expiry dates, and therefore improve road safety for Kiwi kids.

What happens to the materials?

The seats are dismantled by Social Enterprise – a paid service that provides employment for people who have a disability or are disadvantaged or marginalised.

Dismantling work is also done by Department of Corrections as part of their community work programmes which provide opportunities for offenders to make amends to their communities, and learn new skills and work habits.

The plastic is turned into products for the building industry.  Metal parts are simply taken to metal recyclers, and the harnesses are used in the production of recycled bags.

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