Sustainability Trust

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10 Intentions for the New Year

Published 31 January 2022

10 intentions for the New Year

Going in and out of lockdown has certainly made for a weird couple of years. We’ve been tested in more ways than we could have imagined, our vulnerabilities as individuals and as a society have been bought to the forefront, but as we head into a new year it is up to us to make the most of whatever happens.

With this in mind, we’re opting for intentions over resolutions. Intentions feel more flexible, more achievable, and less intimidating than resolutions. Here are some simple intentions for 2022 that are achievable for all of us:

  1. Consume less meat and dairy setting goals like meatless Monday’s or choosing the vegan or vegetarian option when eating out.

  2. If you’re trying to kick a shopping habit, commit to giving away two items every time you buy something new. This will encourage you to be more mindful when shopping.

  3. Buy used items - op shops are your friend. So is TradeMe.

  4. Say no to single-use service wear and use services like Again Again and Reusabowl.

  5. Walk or cycle more. Set a minimum distance for how far you’ll walk before you take a form of motorised transport.

  6. Commit to only buying coffee if your reusable cup is handy.

  7. Adopt a "road" and become part of the clean-up crew.

  8. Reduce plastic waste by committing to giving up one thing wrapped in plastic each month.

  9. Set a timer for shorter showers at least two times a week’ – saves water and reduces your bills. Showers should be 3 minutes long.  

  10. Research and purchase in-season only produce at the grocery stores.

 What will you do differently this year?