Hopper Repair Café - Additional Information

Your health and safety is of utmost importance to us when attending our Repair Cafés.

This webpage contains information about Hopper Home’s evacuation procedures, as well as Repair Café House Rules, and the Guidelines for Repair under the NZECP 50:2001 standards that we follow. If you have any questions, get in touch with Kim at kim.tabrum@sustaintrust.org.nz

On-Site Health & Safety Information

Emergency Procedures

Hopper Home require all attendees to follow certain procedures in the event of an emergency.

The nearest evacuation point to your location is the FOOTPATH OUTSIDE BLAIR WRIGHT GROUP (across the road) and the nearest civil defence centre is MOUNT COOK SCHOOL, 160 TORY STREET.


If an accident occurs, follow the steps below:

1. Prevent any further harm occurring to all persons including yourself.

2. Raise the alarm, request the trained first aider and follow their instruction.

3. If requested by the first aider dial 111 to contact the emergency services. Identify yourself, give your exact location, and supply the following details: How serious is it? The number of people involved.

4. Wait for further instruction


If there is a fire:

1. Prevent harm occurring to all persons, including yourself – do not fight the fire.

2. Raise the alarm by activating the internal alarm system (break the glass then flick the switch).

3. Exit the building safely via the nearest exit, leave all personal belongings behind, proceed to the evacuation point – see fire plan for routes. Take care crossing the road.

4. Once outside safely report to the warden. a. The warden is to dial 111 to contact the emergency services. b. Identify yourself. c. Give your exact location. d. Supply the following details: i. Size of fire, what and where is burning? ii. Weather conditions iii. Worker equipment in the building (any explosive or flammable materials, chemicals)

5. Follow the instruction of the warden

6. Do NOT leave the area without notifying and obtaining the approval of the warden.

7. Do NOT re-enter the building under any circumstances without the all clear given by the warden.


If there is an earthquake, where possible, follow the steps below:

1. Prevent harm occurring to all persons, including yourself.

2. Drop, Cover and Hold. Take cover under a table, away from windows/unstable objects.

3. Once shaking has subsided, evacuate the building via the nearest exit, leave all personal belongings behind, and go to the evacuation point.

4. Follow directions given from the building warden.

5. Do NOT leave the area without notifying and obtaining the approval of the building warden.

6. If fire or injury, follow the fire/injury procedures.


Hopper Home is outside of the Tsunami evacuation areas. Following an earthquake there may still be a tsunami risk. If you feel an earthquake that is either longer than a minute OR strong enough that it’s hard to stand up, then get to high ground, out of all zones, after you have clearance with the warden. Don’t go down to the shore. The first wave to arrive may not be the largest.


If you have any questions regarding any of these procedures or need to clarify your understanding please contact Susie Brow – 027 514 1800