Creating a better, fairer, cleaner and more local energy future


Published 31 July 2020

Creating a better, fairer, cleaner and more local energy future

Along with healthy housing, fair energy is an area we feel deeply passionate about. So when Our Energy reached to help, there was no way we were going to pass on the opportunity.

For every customer in the Wellington Region (including Hutt Valley and up as far as Pukerua Bay) that signs up (in August), Our Energy will donate $20 to us. So by signing up not only will you be supporting a future of fair and local energy, but you’ll also be helping us.

This offer aligns with the timing of a large solar site that is coming on board with Our Energy's service this month.

About Our Energy

In a nutshell, Our Energy is an electricity retailer that is changing the way clean, local energy is traded.

Their online platform matches real-time data from those producing their own electricity with others in the community to provide an easy way to buy, sell and gift clean local energy.

So instead of big power stations delivering their energy, they're building a network of hundreds (and, eventually, thousands & millions!) of small power stations sharing our energy.

Basically put, if your home, business, school or organisation generates more energy than it uses, you can sell it back to the community or gift it to someone else.

It looks a little like this

At 2 pm, Joanna is producing more electricity than she needs. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Max flicks on his washing machine…


Joanna only needs 3 kWh of electricity to power her home, so her leftover electricity can be matched with Max, who also needs 3kWh. Max buys Joanna’s 2 kWh, and gets the rest from the grid.



Their vision is to change the energy landscape so there are no sign-up or set up costs.

Standard pricing is as follows:

  • $0.12 per kWh for all locally matched energy (any unmatched energy receives spot prices).

  • All third party charges passed through at cost:

    • Wholesale electricity

    • Network and metering charges

    • Regulatory levies

  • Plus a weekly subscription fee:

    • Standard residential users - $3.50 + $0.02 per kWh

    • Low users - $0.07 per kWh.


If you are interested in being a part of a more community-based energy network, flick and email through to or phone 04 390 0967.