Boredom Busting with Wellington City Mission


Published 13 April 2022

Boredom busting with Wellington City Mission

Giovanni, Home Energy Assessor delivering a Boredom Buster pack

Our Well Homes team has joined up with Wellington City Mission to deliver ‘Boredom Buster’ packs to isolating families in the region!

These free packs are full of storybooks, colouring-in books, balls and toys to keep the kids entertained, and have been making their way out to households across the Wellington Region via our incredible partners.

Here’s what Giovanni, Healthy Homes Assessor said about his experience delivering packs to whānau:

“It’s always nice to give things away- especially to kids. We tried to put a reading book, colouring book and small toy in every pack, and the parents were pleased to have a form of distraction other than screens. It feels great delivering the packs and knowing that Sustainability Trust and everyone involved came together to make these caring gestures happen right now.”

This awesome initiative is a collaboration between Wellington City Mission and the Well Homes programme. Well Homes is a free in-home healthy housing service to help low-income households live in the warm, dry safe whare, to reduce child sickness and hospitalisation.

Giovanni, Home Energy Assessor and David, Healthy Homes Manager packing bags