Where to get advice you can trust


Published 24 August 2018

Where can people get independent and trustworthy advice about insulation?

It’s a common concern - how do you know who to trust when the same adviser is also a salesman? We understand and share your concerns. That’s why we are proud to be a founding member of the Community Energy Network (CEN), a group of organisations dedicated to delivering effective energy-efficient solutions for warmer homes, job creation and healthier communities.

CEN has helped to improve standards for home insulation and training programmes to improve best practise across home energy assessors and installers. We helped co-create the Home Performance Advisor training and qualification, an industry-recognised certification programme for advisors in the home energy efficiency and house performance sector.

If you book a Home Energy Assessment through Sustainability Trust, one of our qualified Home Performance Advisors will visit your home to assess in-depth everything that affects the health and energy efficiency of your home. This includes insulation, heating, ventilation, draughts, moisture issues, energy and water use. It takes about two hours, you get a personalised and detailed action plan and subsidised water and energy-saving measures on the day. Free for Wellington city ratepayers, $250 for ratepayers elsewhere. 

There are CEN members around the country that provide independent advice about insulation and/or supply and install insulation, and you can find a full list of them here.

There are other sources of reliable information too, such as the below:

Remember, information is power! We always recommend doing your research before making a decision as important as keeping your home warm and healthy. Check in next time when we will share some tips around what to look out for when choosing an insulation provider.